Головна » БІБЛІОТЕКА » Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision
The mission of Scientific Library of the National University of Ostroh Academy is:
- to collect, preserve, systematize high-quality sources and academic achievements of university professors into a collection;
- to provide widespread access to global information resources;
- to develop the potential of the digital library;
- to provide literature for university scientific research processes;
- to assist in mastering the information and scientific skills of users;
The idea of the library is:
- to facilitate the education of the national leaders and professionals;
- to anticipate user needs and modify service forms and methods;
- to develop and create additional services and facilities;
- to provide comfortable conditions for working in the library and supply prompt, high-quality and detailed services outside the library;
- to cultivate the close cooperation with libraries of other higher education institutions of Ukraine and the world;
- to enlarge access to information services.